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Monday, June 25, 2012

Hot Corn Dip

I found this really awesome recipe for hot corn dip on Pinterest the other day. Instead of going with the first one I saw, I did a bit of research and decided to remix it with a couple of different ones. It was so freaking good! Make this dip for a party; it will be a hit!

Mayo, green peppers, green onions, shredded cheese, butter, roasted red peppers, peppers, fresh corn

Finely dice up your green onions, bell peppers, white onions, and roasted red peppers

Next, scrap the corn off the cob. I prefer fresh corn but frozen corn works too.  DO NOT USE CAN CORN!

Saute in a little bit of butter and season with black pepper

Add in a few shakes of sea salt

Once the corn is done, throw in your veggies and saute until the color perks up. You can throw them in with the corn too but make sure you don't burn them.

Mix the corn and veggies in a bowl

Add  1/4 cup of mayo. It really does't  take a lot of mayo so squeeze gently. 

Mix well and taste to see if you need more salt.  The cheese is salty so use a little less than you anticipate.

Mix in the cheese and stir well. Add some diced jalapenos at this point too if you want to give it a kick.

Pour into a casserole dish and top with more cheese. You can also top with breadcrumbs too if you want to change up the texture.

Bake for 20-25 or until golden brown at 380 degrees. Serve with chips and enjoy!
  1. You can also use cream cheese, sour cream or greek yogurt if you want; mayo gave the best consistency 
  2. If you want to take the easy way out, use mexicorn. It already has the other ingredients in it. I prefer to do everything fresh so I can control the taste a little better.
  3. Panko crumbs or bread crumbs are good to use as topping.
  4. Add a scoop of sour cream on top before serving. Yum!
  5. Bake in a middle of the loaf of bread. OMG!


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