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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Shrimp and Spinach Stirfry

Here's a quick little recipe using a few kitchen ingredients. It's fairly simple and easy to do: take your favor seafood, fresh veggies and some spinach and - BAM! Instant meal.

I sautéed some fresh shrimp in EVOO that I marinated overnight in seasoning salt, crushed red peppers, parsley, and black pepper.

I sauteed some fresh corn I had in the fridge. Make sure you get all the silk off or you will be pulling string out of your mouth all night.Next, I sauteed some spinach just before the corn was done. Be careful because spinach will cook pretty fast once applied to heat. I browned some freshly crushed garlic (about one clove) in butter along with it.Then, I added the shrimp back into the skillet, along with the juices that I drained off of them. Let this cook for about 5 minutes. Again, watch the spinach before it welts too much.

Then I added some rice I cooked and let it warm up for another 5 minutes, topped with some soy sauce and wa-la! Dinner is served.



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