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Monday, June 25, 2012

Kitchen Recreations: Beef Larb

If you live in Atlanta, then I'm sure you've experienced one of our city's best Thai restaurants, Top Spice. If you haven't, unfollow my blog RAT now (I'm kidding). Top Spice is by far one of my favorite restaurants and my goal is to try at least every item on the menu. One of my favorite items it the Beef Larb (for my more health-conscious folks you can get it with chicken too). The recipe is very simple: minced sirloin beef, green onions, shallots, lime juice, fish sauce, rice powder, ginger and cilantro. It's served with a head of cold, green cabbage to cut the heat. OMG you will love this dish. I attempted to recreate it the other night and it came out pretty darn good. 


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