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Monday, June 25, 2012

Tuna Salad

Its no secret that my tuna salad packs a punch. Its loaded with carrots, celery, onions and bold flavor. Here's my recipe to share:

Any brand of tuna will do but make sure it's in WATER

Dice up some onions (I prefer red), carrots, and celery. Yes, I love veggie loaded tuna.

Add your tuna to a bowl

Throw in your veggies

Finely dice two eggs, three if you're feeling froggy

Two tablespoons of sweet relish

2 spoons of mayo, 2 spoons of greek yogurt. All 4 of either if you want.

Mix well and a pinch of pepper, a pinch of seasoning and a pinch of sugar (add a little more sugar to sweet). Chill and serve.


Tarsha @ SouthernGirl. CitySwirl said...

I'm not a big tuna eater but the folks in my house love it...I can't wait to try your recipe, it looks so good!

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